蒸了24小时的年糕, 论斤卖.
1 公斤卖马币$11. 自己选好后才秤.
香蕉叶做底, 绵软香气足,
而且买了立刻可以吃! 不用再蒸或煎!
菊花... 我买了一大束.
i only had 2 hrs to explore the market in Kampar.
when i was there about 6am, it is still too early.
in fact i only see the crowd suddenly coming from all direction at about 6.30am.
that's when i already had my big breakfast and walking around.
fresh flowers RM$2 for a big bunch, wrapped with old news paper.
i see vegetables wrapped in old newspapers too, but instead of putting it in a plastic bag, they were tied with a rafia string and carry around!
wow they'd even started to reduce the use of plastic way before us in singapore.
i always thought we are the first in everything.
shame on me. :(
the market open early, and close early too.
one thing i noticed.
the people who frequent the market mostly ride bicycles.
and they speak alot of cantonese.
as the sun rises and the place started to brighten up.
the place become more livelier and bustling with life.
just like the olden days in singapore.
to be continue (2)
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