Jan 31, 2008

好吃! Yummy!

This is one chinese new year dish i'd learn in a cooking class. Stir fry chicken with chestnut and condiments.

Juicy chicken thigh meat, paired up with soft frangrance chestnut. sprinkle with red chilli, green capsicum, garlic slices, onion bits, roasted peanuts and prunes bits. well seasoned and adding dashes of sesame oil and rice vinegar before dishing it up onto the plates.

the aroma had filled the whole classroom and everyone is triggered with hunger. waiting to get a taste of this dish by Chef Huang Qing Biao.

黄清标的过年菜:大吉大利, 不止名字好听,香味扑鼻,菜色也非常的会挑逗你的食欲。


Jan 27, 2008

完美句点 Beautiful Full-Stop.

it's always been a very beautiful experience, co-hosting cooking class together with Ke Min and various Chef masters. not only did i learn alot in the class, i also made alot of friends too.

forever energetic auntie Sophia (red tee shirt in photo), a retiree who can whip up delicious braised chicken wings! and "ah Ma" (not in photo) who is always there when you need someone to help you do the cleaning and washing. she never once complained. she even do it with broad sunshine smile! (just like mine! haha)

and not forgetting lovely aunties and uncles attending the cooking class. new and old faces.

i'm not trying to "sar-kar" them or what.
just feel that they always remembers me though i don't always appear in every lessons for this series.
catching up with them is always a fun moment. we chat about anything from cooking to house keeping to latest sales and shopping! hahaha...
errm... nope, no one ever want to introduce their daughter to me yet lor :p





我不敢说我很厉害, 但我就是很喜欢有人听我讲解的感觉哦。:p



me and anna, VP/DJ of radio1003.
want to look slim? just stand behind me! hahahaha :p



好在我有下去。师傅忘了带生粉,我赶紧到NTUC买了一包来应急。不必劳烦其他工作人员啦,他们都忙着要出场嘛。我比较kay po可以吗?:)




不晓得,可能这是新的市场销售策略吧。也可能是为了要等全部师傅到齐了才签名才不会乱吧?i really dont know wor......

so wierd.


这样也好,如果食谱打字或翻译有问题也查不出是谁干的!哈哈。。 :p
(我有帮忙校对哦!我只是顾着各位师傅的,而忘了自己的。 幸好,钱已经过账了!没有我的名字也无所谓啦!哈哈)

OK! 我就签在前面好了!:p

Thank you very much, you are so sweet! :) 感谢你!



谢谢Margaret, 给我机会帮忙负责联络多位师傅,现在我打给他们讲话也比较有信心了!有时还可以煲电话粥哦!哈哈。。。感谢你!

谢谢1003, 没有1003, 就不可能有小明。感谢你!

PS: 希望今天的部落格不会造成别人的困扰。it's ok, just communication error. Dun worry and be happy! :)

Jan 22, 2008

金宝云顶吃透透 (2) Kampar Genting (2)


蒸了24小时的年糕, 论斤卖.
1 公斤卖马币$11. 自己选好后才秤.

香蕉叶做底, 绵软香气足,
而且买了立刻可以吃! 不用再蒸或煎!

菊花... 我买了一大束.



i only had 2 hrs to explore the market in Kampar.
when i was there about 6am, it is still too early.
in fact i only see the crowd suddenly coming from all direction at about 6.30am.
that's when i already had my big breakfast and walking around.

fresh flowers RM$2 for a big bunch, wrapped with old news paper.

i see vegetables wrapped in old newspapers too, but instead of putting it in a plastic bag, they were tied with a rafia string and carry around!

wow they'd even started to reduce the use of plastic way before us in singapore.
i always thought we are the first in everything.
shame on me. :(

the market open early, and close early too.
one thing i noticed.
the people who frequent the market mostly ride bicycles.
and they speak alot of cantonese.

as the sun rises and the place started to brighten up.
the place become more livelier and bustling with life.
just like the olden days in singapore.

to be continue (2)

Jan 21, 2008

金宝云顶吃透透! Kampar-Genting Makan Makan!

这是我早上6点抵达金宝的小贩中心 (也就是他们的巴刹)尝到的.

好喝! 没有渣.......温温的....很暖胃哦.
尤其是我饿了一个晚 (其实也没什么饿啦, 整车里就只有我睡得最香!)

喝下去不会很甜, 有薏米的味道, 喝的出是用腐竹熬出来的.
可惜我们太早到了. 他们才刚刚开档, 还没来得急把香兰叶加进去煮片刻.

"Foo Chok Yee Mai", a cantonese dessert of barley and bean-curd skin.
not the usual version i had in singapore or hong kong.
there's no barley or bean curd skin to be seen.
only a smooth, warm, and a little bit "thicker" than soy milk drink.
but you can tell they used alot of barley and bean curd skin to boil for many hours before they strained it for the final product.

we went too early.
reaching kampar hawker center at 6am!
they barely open the stall when we were there. hahaha

the pandan leaves was not even ready when we ordered.
so the stall owner gave us a few glasses of the drink,
then she add in pandan leaves to the pot to add extra fragrance to the dessert drink!
AWWWW!!! :o(

面汤. 我自己选料.
第一碗, 我要叉烧, 加面. 马币$3.50.
吃完了面, 喝几口汤, 再喝完
我稍微等了一下. 看看同事吃的鱼腩粥又有一点点那么的饿了...

我赶紧起身.............去叫面吃!! 哈哈哈...

第二碗, 我选了豆皮和猪皮. 加面. 马币$3.50
我的面来了, 同事的粥才吃了一半.
我吃完了. 同事的粥还有很多口.


i'd ordered noodle soup for my main course.
springy yellow noodle is what makes me hungry!
unlike our local yellow noodle, this yellow noodle has no alkaline taste at all. :)
first i go with char siew pork (RM$3.50).
i washed it down with the bean-curd skin drink.

hmmm.... then i ordered a 2nd bowl.
my god! the stall owner didn't noticed i ate his noodle earlier.
i knew.... i am not ugly. :p

the 2nd one i go with fried bean curd skin and fried pork skin. (RM$3.50 too)
there is something special about his crispy shallot (small onions)
it really adds points to the bowl of noodle.

it's not small onion from china. but local "malay" onion.
it has extra fragrance and more crispy texture.
no wonder it taste so much difference from the one i usually had.

**to be continue

Jan 17, 2008

子曰 ...... ah liang say.....

唱完后一定是掌声如雷! (至少我是这么认为啊!哈哈...)

--> "
搞不懂就問人 搞得懂就答人 沒有人懂 還可以問神"

我不是民俗专家学者, 也给不到你答案.

问神有没有结果我还不知道, 不过肯定的是, 他们一定会到赌馆玩几把吧! :o)

i will be out of town for this weekend for holiday! :p

i am heading to a town near Ipoh, malaysia, tomorrow night after work.
it's a guided event with my colleagues.
will stay a night at GENTING HIGHLAND RESORT on the return trip.
hope to catch some photo shots to share with you when i return.
meanwhile, have a great weekend!

Jan 14, 2008

喝茶时间 Coffee Break


我有哦! 而且很多年了...
除非工作太忙忘记, 不然时间一到, 肚子很自然就会响起闹钟提醒你的.

炒米粉, "辣萨", "米暹", "米罗步" 等等.... 看CANTEEN煮什么,我就吃什么.
有时候,我也喜欢冲杯3合1咖啡, 配饼干或面包或豆沙包来吃.

有时候不是因为饿才会喝咖啡, 吃包子.
有时候是因为...习惯了; 就跟午睡一样...改不了.

Tea Break? Coffee Break?
i'd been so used to have a drink during my break time.
unless i am busy with work, else my tummy will remind me the break time automatically, even without the help of a clock! :)

mee siam, mee rebus, laksa, fried mi fen.... anything that the canteen whip out.
or some simple bread, crackers or red bean paste bun...
is good enough to accompany my hot 3-in-1 coffee.

simple and filling to keep me going,
yet not that full to stop me from having my meal at dinner.

it's small, yet important.
without it, i may get lost in routine daily life cycle.
without it, i may not be able to endure hunger until dinner time.
without it...

hmm i cant simply forget it one lar! hahaha :p

Jan 13, 2008

迷你小笼包 吃了吗? Mini Soup Bun

ten mini in a basket.... steaming hot from the kitchen!
soft skin, yummy minced pork and a little bit of clear fatty soup inside!
munch it with some ginger shreds and black vinegar......

10 pieces? it's chicken feet!

小笼包吃多了, 今天和旧同事一起来到这里吃。
1笼10个。 刚从厨房端出来就要乘热吃哦。
夹些姜丝醋。。。 10个?那里够哦?

皮薄脆不油。 馅里的韭菜和猪肉碎够油水。

Koo-chye box?
crispy pastry with koo chye (chives) and minced fatty pork as fillings.
crispy and no oily feel on the outside,
juicy fresh ingredients on the inside.

if you like it spicy, dip into the chilli sauce provided.

where do find them?
bras besah complex 2nd floor, here!


Jan 11, 2008

德国香肠@牛车水.... German Sausage@smith street


For starter, try the mini combo @ S$3 for mini sausage (chicken, pork, spicy pork) with a choice of chilli sauce, ketchup or mustard. i'll recommend mustard, not as spicy as the japanese wasabi, but quite nice to go along with sausage. yummy :)

我今天买了一份迷你香肠, $3 一小盘, 有鸡肉, 猪肉和辣椒猪肉三种口味的迷你香肠哦.
我也不知道哪个是哪个口味, 只知道其中之一很咸, 其他还OK.

Jan 10, 2008

戊子年 - 我的本命年. Year of RAT..... my lucky year!

Happy Lunar New Year!

好快哦! 就要过农历年了.

The Lunar Year of the Rat is near!
Are you ready?!

i'm not so ready yet, in fact. i got even more house cleaning work to do!
hahaha.... at least i know CHONG PANG is full of pasar malam stalls all ready to usher the lunar new year!
i am so tempted to buy all the decorations and ornaments.
but i'm not done with my house cleaning yet.

Wait for me! i will buy you home soon! :)

感受以下要过年的气氛嘛.....享用这里的气氛又不用钱的! 哈哈...

如果你家有风水摆设, 要记得...立春在ang mo的2月4号哦!

Jan 8, 2008

面包无语........ Bread Don't Talk.

地点: 新加坡华乐团音乐厅, 2楼, 电梯旁.
3种三明治/批萨供您选择, 价格从2块钱起.

Hotbake Sandwich Vending Machine
Location: Singapore Conference Hall, 2nd Level, beside the lift.
3 different type of sandwiches/pizza to choose from.
Price from S$2 onwards.

Hot from the vending machine in 90 seconds!
just $2 for chicken ham and cheese sandwich.
Crispy hot! smells good too! yummy :o)~~

投进2块前后, 选了鸡肉火腿芝士口味,
90秒后, 新鲜出炉! 香味扑鼻而来, 烫手, 很脆哦!

材料货真价实. 有鸡肉火腿片, 芝士片和少许黑胡椒碎.
很好吃. 不过要小心烫哦.
如果不介意花$2, 再等上90秒,
嗯... 加杯KOPI-O会更棒!

i'd selected number 1, chicken ham with cheese sandwich.

inserted 2 $1 coin and waited for 90 seconds before the package drop onto the collecting tray.
1 slice of chicken ham, 1 slice of melted soft cheese, some crushed black pepper sprinkled over it. Sandwich between 2 slices of hot crispy toasted white bread.

Careful! it's Hot!

mmmm.......Yummy... go with in a cup of Kopi-O even more shiok!

well, i say if you have 90 seconds to spare and don't mind forking out $2 for a hot-toasted sandwich. give it a try! :o)

Jan 6, 2008

龟咯 吃喝玩乐! Malaysia Pontian - Kukup 2D1N Trip

WARNING: Please book your KUKUP homestay few months before you start your journey!
警告: 在您还没出发前, 请提早数月预先订房.

Singapore bus 170 (Opposite Kranji MRT) to Malaysia's Larkin Bus Terminal.
Proceed to Platform 9A, take bus 96 to Pontian Bus Terminal ( about 1hr ride).

once you reach over at Pontian, take a bus or cab to the fish village - Kukup, for a nice weekend fishing village home-stay!

you only purchase the Pontian bus tickets in the bus numer 96.
and you can buy the return trip bus ticket for only RM$6.50! (not RM$7!)
(single trip at RM$4.50)
keep the ticket so you can use it to get back to Larkin Bus Terminal on the next day.

早上八点过了两边的关卡后, 就直接到拉庆车头.

从新山的拉庆车头搭96号车去笨珍, 在96号巴士里头买来回车票才马币6块半!
(不是$7哦 / 单程马币4块半)
记得留住票根, 这样一来隔天你就不用再买回程的车票了.

This is my home-stay chalet!
i got 3 Freezer bedroom (powered by powerful aircon!), free to use everything in the house, from TV to Kara-ok to kitchen stove etc etc....

as my timing is different from the other holiday-people, i'd my meals time and kelong session all arranged to suit my schedules.

All meals included, 1 welcome seafood lunch, 1 KELONG visiting session, 1 seafood dinner, 1 seafood BBQ, 1 nasi-lemak & coffee breakfast.

我表姐预先帮我们全部8个人订了房间, 所有行程包括了冷气住宿, 奎笼探访, 海鲜午餐, 海鲜晚餐和海鲜烧烤. 隔天一早还有热咖啡和椰浆饭! 根本不许要我下厨, 等吃就可以了!

I like the Kelong visiting session. though i am quite scare to fall into the water and feed the fish!
you can see the dark cloud behind me, we were all caught in the heavy rain the moment we step back to mainland!

you can get to buy dried seafood product on the kelong itself.
if you are lucky enough, you'll be entertained by a primary 3 little chinese girl kelong guide, who will tell you all the knowledge in kelong and the fishes names! :o)

在奎龙上可以买到海产哦! 看我身后全部三包十块!
而且我还看到金目卢鱼鳔干! 很罕见的哦!

请自行查询. :p

Welcome to KUKUP!
as there are no ferry service from singapore's harbour front to kukup ferry terminal,
the chalet also provide service to fetch you from singapore to kukup and sent you back to singapore safely. ( pls contact for price yourself lar.... )

Jan 4, 2008

Year 2008 蓄势待发!

好快哦! 已经2008年了!

等我礼拜从KUKUP回来...我才慢慢告诉你,OK? :o)

It's already few days pass the mark of year 2008!
OMG! i got so many things wanted to share with you.
but i am rushing off to KUKUP now....

can you wait for me a little bit more? i will be back to singapore this sunday.
sorry ah..... please remember to come back for me ok?
i'll miss you for sure. *muaks*