Feb 22, 2008

下雨了。。。 It's raining!



下午茶时间还和同事聊起, 这本地的天气从立春到十五都是多风晴朗的。

我也不用担心我们的蓄水池干枯了。哈哈哈。。。。。。 :P

it had not been raining since the 4th February,
well at least at Yishun and Senoko area, and for the whole period of Chinese New Year, it's windy, clear sky or partial cloudy, or sunny weather but no rain.

good weather to sun our clothings!
love that sun-soaked smell off our clothings. hehehe...

it rained just now. around 7pm.
felt a sting of wetness from the wind blowing the rain into my bedroom from the window.

well, i can stop worrying about our reservoir water level, at least for now. :o)

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